sobota, 24 grudnia 2011
loved her more when she used to be sober and I was kinder
piątek, 2 grudnia 2011
sobota, 5 listopada 2011
czwartek, 3 listopada 2011
niedziela, 30 października 2011
Depressive realism
sobota, 1 października 2011
I was attempting to repair my Mother's garage door when no one was home. I had just finished my first year as a Master's student in Biology and had always been a fairly good handyman so I thought this should be no problem. The previous owners had jury-rigged everything, and the garage door spring was no different. As I removed a wooden plate across the spring that shouldn't have been there, the high-tension spring broke ripping through my thumb and forearm. My thumb was hanging by the strip of skin between the thumb and pointer-finger and I could see at least one bone in my forearm. Bleeding profusely I crawled through a window (the garage door was stuck down), grabbed a rag to apply pressure and called 911. I crawled to the end of the driveway, hoping someone would see me and tried to stay on the phone with 911 as blood was gushing out of me. As time went on (this was a house out in the country) I felt ever more calm and relaxed. I remember thinking "this really isn't that bad". As I became more and more tired I finally told the 911 operator apologetically that I had to let her go because I was dieing. I set down the phone I let the warm comfort come over me. It was literally the most comfortable feeling I have ever felt in my life. Imaging curling up in a warm blanket on a cold, rainy day with the woman you love, and then multiply that by 100. As I slipped out of consciousness I knew I was dieing and at last lost consciousness. As the black came on, everything that was me slipped away. I became nothing and it was the most extraordinary moment of my life. I not only accepted the seemingly inevitable but truly embraced the loss of my identity. Dissolving into nothingness was the most comforting feeling I have ever had.
I was assumed dead by the sheriff who first arrived on the scene and was brought back (no heart rate) en route to the hospital. I vividly remember coming back and I assure you it was the most horrifying experience I have ever had. Not only did the pain of the injury come rushing back, but also every possible emotional tribulation and pain I had felt. It was as though I escaped every emotion and feeling in life and then all of a sudden it was thrust upon me again. I felt as though it was like being a baby again and then having all of the tribulations of growing up thrust upon me instantaneously.
sobota, 21 maja 2011
pusta miska
poniedziałek, 16 maja 2011
Szwajcaria FTW
czwartek, 28 kwietnia 2011
welcome to the unholy city
there is simply no avoid it since everything has been designed to lead you to this place
any road may present a detour that unexpectedly sends you on your way into the great barren landscape where only a sliver of horizon wavers in the empty distance
and no road signs exist to hint at your destination
any hospital may be equipped with the special elevator where someone wheels you inside and then quickly abandones you
as the doors clamp tightly closed you finally notice that there are no buttons to push
no controls of any kind
this is when the elevator begins to move
dipping and twisting like a carnival ride
taking you toward the unholy city
after enduring such episodes, or others of a smiliar sort you may only wake up screaming
vowing to never again close your eyes in sleep
or you may fall into a fever that no thermometer is able to indicate and from which there is no recovery
in more extreme cases you begin to glimpse a blackness like none you have ever seen
and wonder for a time whether this blackness is inside your head or outside
which makes no difference once it begins to compose the outline of the unholy city you're about to enter
Skończyłem wreszcie "Conspiracy against the human race".
W zasadzie na tym mógłbym zamknąć swoją przygodę z filozofią. Chyba tak zrobię. Trochę mi szkoda, ale rzecz zwyczajnie nie jest warta wysiłku. Postanowione więc.
A ten utwór Phallus Dei jest fantastyczny. Śpiewa gościnnie John Walker, nie wiem czy to ten John Walker ale innego co by pasował nie znajduję.
wtorek, 19 kwietnia 2011
calm sadness of the inevitable
Homer Simpson: What's the point? We're all slowly dying.
(The Simpsons, s.18, ep.3)
Kiedyś pamiętam zapaliłem jointa, włączyłem sobie Simpsonów i pomyślałem żeby spróbować pooglądać ich na poważnie, udawać, że to wszystko jest całkowicie serio i po prostu przestawia perypetie jakiejś rodziny. Więc oglądam i Homer jedzie samochodem na uczelnie, bo się okazało, że musi skończyć studia bo go z pracy wyrzucą. I mówi: "o rany idę na studia, szkoda, że mój ojciec tego nie dożył" a w tym momencie z tylnego siedzenie zrywa się Abe Simpson (ojciec Homera) i krzyczy "hej!" na co Homer "Jak długo tam siedzisz?" a Abe smutnym głosem "Trzy dni".
ło... a więc ten stary człowiek dostał się jakoś do samochodu swego syna i przez trzy dni go nie opuszczał? Co on tam robił? Co jadł? Co pił? Gdzie załatwiał swoje potrzeby? Trzy dni to sporo czasu. Nocami spał skulony na tylnym fotelu samochodu w zimnym garażu? To jest chyba jakaś oznaka bardzo poważnej demencji starczej. Gdyby Homer nie wywołał jego reakcji kto wie jak długo jeszcze tkwiłby w tym dziwacznym schronieniu? Pewnie w końcu by tam umarł. Co za koszmar. :|
piątek, 15 kwietnia 2011
everything is better when you do it psychedelic-style
Toothpaste For Dinner to kolejny mój ulubiony komiks internetowy. Matko jak mi się strasznie nic nie chce.
A i jeszcze jedno - psychedelic ballet. Balet to w pewnym sensie całkowicie martwa sztuka. Ale właściwie czemu? I czy musi tak być?
Psychedeliczny balet.
wtorek, 12 kwietnia 2011
piwo ze słoika
Zostałem pożarty przez gigantyczną meduzę, uczestniczyłem w kosmicznej wojnie, odwiedziłem Matta Parkera i Trey'a Stone'a w Paragwaju i jeden z nich dał mi piwo ze słoika, rozmawiałem z 10-letnią dziewczynką o podejrzanie antysemickich poglądach, zrobiłem sobie tatuaż na ramieniu (śliczny kwiatek...), zatrudnili mnie w jakiejś elektrowni mimo, że zwyzywałem przełożonego a na teście kompetencyjnym nie odpowiedziałem na ani jedno pytanie, przechodziłem z V. przez tory w miejscu niedozwolonym i nas złapali, ale nie dostaliśmy mandatu a w Katowicach widziałem jak gigantyczny Chochoł (czy coś takiego) zaatakował podest z papieżem i grupą kardynałów i wszyscy się zwalili na łeb na szyję. Było dużo radości.
poniedziałek, 11 kwietnia 2011
środa, 6 kwietnia 2011
najokrutniejszy miesiąc to kwiecień
niedziela, 3 kwietnia 2011
skończyła mi się paroksetyna
woman gives birth to a hand of dust
nurse tries to hold it together but then
doctor sneezes and the dust
is blown away
it wasn't always like this
I can vaguely remember something else
a time before the fog
before your faces were swallowed
by the dark shapeless void
before your voices disintegrated
and turned into random scratchings
with no meaning
before feelings detached
like sick branches of a diseased tree
fell to the ground
and rotted away
it wasn't always like this
visions of something different
haunt my chaotic dreams
like parasites feeding on misery
they bring nothing but longing
with nothing to long for
czwartek, 31 marca 2011
what a relief
"Pictures For Sad Children" to najlepszy komiks internetowy ever. A to mój ulubiony odcinek. Hmm. Tak.
środa, 23 marca 2011
we are lost
we will never be found
nobody is searching for us
there are no maps
no stars in the sky
sun does not rise
we are lost
there is nowhere to go
there is nowhere to return
nothing to look for
nothing to remember
we are lost
we will never be found
wtorek, 15 marca 2011
the last moment
will be like any other moments
exept for the fact
that there will be no moments after that moment
and that is all
nothing special about it
in fact
every moment is the last moment
only not for you
even though the last moment
is just like every other moments
the very fact that it is the last moment
in this collection of moments that is ones life
gives this moment unique power
to create hudge terror
and to destroy everything else
at the same time
nothing happens
and the soul is burned to ashes
this is the last moment
every moment is the last moment
only not for you
poniedziałek, 14 marca 2011
a poem nobody understands
that nobody understands
unknown author of this poem
disappeared long time ago
in the black ocean of the past
still his peculiar words continue to haunt this world
and every once in a while
somebody tries to make sense out of them
but they always fail
the meaning remains hidden
trapped under the layers of words
locked hopelessly in the cell
made of strange metaphores
it is there
it was always there
right in front of you
never seen
poniedziałek, 21 lutego 2011
Bender (Futurama, s.01 ep.05)
wtorek, 15 lutego 2011
on crooked swastikas in my garden flowers grow
of an abandoned shoe factory
there is no way of knowing how he got there
one day he opened his eyes
and there he was
stuck in this dark, decaying space
from this dusty fortress he watches
how everything falls into nothing
how every moment, every second
whole world disappears* screaming in terror
and yet it doesn't help at all
for no matter how many executions you witness
you are never ready for your own
*or perhaps not, sometimes he wonders
in moments of terrible fear
perhaps it's just another lie
so many lies already in the open, why not one more?
for maybe there is no nothing
maybe there is just everything
stuck eternally in one horrible moment